Sunday, October 11, 2009

To The Top

After a pretty poor night of sleep we got up to the sound of our guide making a fire at 3 or 330. Out of our group of nine only the five Americans were going to try and get to the top. First things first we got a cup of hot tea and attempted for the second time to dry our shoes and socks by the fire. We were not able to get them dry but hot and wet was a lot better then cold and wet at 4 in the morning. After eating a couple of crackers and another cup of tea we started the climb. It was around 415 which was a little later then we had hoped but nothing we could do about it now.
The first portion of the hike was a steep uphill climb with a good amount of switchbacks. It was fairly difficult because it was dark and we had just gotten up. It took us about 45 mins or so to get to the top of the ridge. At this point we were able to see the active part of the volcano. It was unbelievable. The lava glowed bright red as it lit up the smoke it was producing as well as the mountain side it was sliding down. To make the scene even better the full moon was lighting up what the lava did not. We took a little break at this point to admire everything and listen to the volcano.
It was now time to start the climb across the ridge and eventually the top. At this point the trail became mostly gravel. It made climbing much more difficult. It felt like every time you took three steps forward you would take two back. It made the hike not only physically tasking but also mentally. Over the last section of the climb or group broke up a little bit. Not everyone in our group made it to the top for the sunrise but we all did make it. Rooney and Tom were the first to make it and got there just as the sun was coming up over the clouds. I arrived as the sun was rising over the clouds. To celebrate getting to the top we grabbed the PB and J sandwiches that I had in my bag and dug in. There are few PB and J's that have tasted that good. Sitting on top of the mountain eating the sandwiches was pretty ideal. It was a incredible sight looking out over the clouds with the sun lighting up the mountains all around us. We were able to see the gili islands which would be our next stop as well as bali which was neat. You could also see the lake on the volcano which we would be stopping at later in the day.
By mornings end there were seven people at the top of the mountain. The five of us and two other hikers from another group. It was sweet knowing that out of about 25 or so people who made the previous days hike we were five out of the seven who made it to the top. After some pictures and a video or two we headed back down. Going down the gravel was much more enjoyable then going up. There was so much gravel that it was almost like skiing down the mountain.
When we arrived at our tents breakfast was already going which was great. As people were packing up a group of monkeys arrived at the camp site. They soon were everywhere. The porters and guides attempted to scare them off but the lure of trash was to much.
The other members of our group decided due to their wet clothes and sleeping bags they were going to call it a trip. They all went down to the base of the mountain instead of staying for the second night.
With our decreased numbers we started hiking to the lake. The hike started off with a serious down hill climb. After about two hours we arrived at the lake. Once again it was well worth the pain of the hike. Water was perfectly flat. It would have been sweet for some water skiing but not a great place to launch the boat. We took a long break at the lake and made our war to the volcanic hot springs which were near by. These were kind of a let down however. We are all really tired and new we had to go for another 2 or so hour hike after lunch. Also the hot springs while did feel nice were not the cleanest water we have ever been in. After about 30 minutes or so hunger took over and we headed back for lunch. Lunch was good once again and made everyone really bummed out about the hike to our next camp site. When it was time to go putting our shoes back on was a real chore. We had to hike back up to the rim and then maybe climb down to a camp site (time permitting). By the time we got to the top of the ridge Rooney, Tom and I had gotten a little ahead of Jesus, Merrill and Sam (our guide). The porters who we were with decided that we had enough time and wanted to set up camp down the mountain a little ways. What he did not tell us was he planned on running down. Since we did not have the guide with us our only option was to follow the porter. He literately ran down the mountain in flip flops and his bamboo stick. It was really impressive though my legs wished he had just decided on walking.
All in all it was about 11 hours of hiking. We decided this was more impressive when thinking some days we are not even awake for 11 hours. Needless to say we were all really tired and glad that the sleeping bags had dried out finally. We ate dinner in the tents and before long we were all asleep. A long but very rewarding day in the books.

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